exclamation mark

[ˌekskləˈmeɪʃən mɑ:k]
  • 释义
  • 感叹号(即:!);

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    An exclamatory sentence should be followed by an exclamation mark.


  • 2、

    This is a 140 meters high water monument, sort of an exclamation mark dominating the roadstead.

    它是座140米高的水制纪念碑, 犹如一个感叹号俯视着近岸锚地.

  • 3、

    Halloween will punctuate this glorious month on October 31 with a fun exclamation mark.


  • 4、

    There's an exclamation mark here.


  • 5、

    She added a big exclamation mark at the end of this letter.


  • 6、

    A kiss can be a comma; a mark or an exclamation mark.

    一个吻可以是个逗号, 问号,或感叹号.

  • 7、

    Could you find the exclamation mark in the photo?

    你在图中找到感叹号 吗 ?我看到对现代科技的感叹.
